Mission & Purpose
The mission of the Nevada Society of Scottish Clans is the perpetuation of ancient customs, literature, music, games, history and dress of Scotland and its people.
The Society fulfills this mission by offering informative and entertaining gatherings. Activities, among others, include a renowned Robert Burns Celebration honoring the memory of Scotland’s beloved national poet, Tartan Day, summer picnic, Tartan Miniature Golf, Christmas party, Kirkin’ of the Tartans and participation in local Celtic events.
The Society’s newsletter, Spirit o’ the Scots, is an excellent resource providing information about upcoming gatherings and events, historical features, plus a calendar of events, and items of interest to our members. Current and past issues are available under Society News in this website.
To receive additional information or if you have questions regarding the Nevada Society of Scottish Clans, please email us at info@nvssc.org or leave a message on our information phone line at 775-345-3435. We look forward to making a connection with you and sharing our Scottish heritage.
The Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization – EIN 94-293953
The Society’s motto is
Ancestry - Honor – Friendship.